I need to do a lot of damn spring cleaning. Like for real…I mean like ASAP!!!

The contractors are here at my house installing my $6K+ floors. Yes, this shit cost me over 6 grand!! But it’s being done by a professional and no more of my bootleg like-looking floors. While I’m out here in my garage, posted up with an iPad, a lounge chair, and some power supply, I’m looking around like damn. I have a LOT OF SHIT!!! I’ve move as much as I can into the garage,


i’ve stacked my bathrooms full of stuff. Right now the baby is stuck in the master bath with all of these shoes, two dressers, blankets, his food, water, litter box, and whatever else I could shove in there. Can’t have him out and about running around and falling all over the place. It would be just my luck, he’d get outside and get lost or fight with the neighbors cat.

So now, I’m in my little hutch of the garage… 

Patiently waiting for these guys to finish at least the living room. Then I can move in and at least be functional. Thank goodness, my modem/wireless router fits inside my tv hutch.  So I can maybe watch a bit of Netflix while I’m out here. It probably wasn’t smart of me to start drinking water as soon as I woke up this am. Now I’m feeling like I have to piss a whole lot more than normal. Also eating pringles sure don’t help none either.

So now, I’m out here…a cool breeze is blowing, but it feels good. I wonder if I can sneak some of this exacta material I have in my garage on their truck to take with them to the dump. It’s a shame, i spent all that money on flooring that i can’t use b/c Lowe’s decided to discontinue my shit. Fuck boys!!

Now I’m hounding the mail box…I’ve got two packages and a VERY important letter on it’s way. All i want to do right now is SLEEP. But i can’t. I’m too hype…I’m getting my floors done finally!!.

Which by the way…of the carpet that was taken out…you can still see the piss stains my bitch-ass ex’s dogs left all over the house. For them to be so well potty trained, those fuckers did piss A LOT!!!

So now, I’m looking around the house like wow..

It sure looks bare. I mean i had to move a lot of stuff. Like geez. But it’s getting done. I’m going to have to go back in soon, to pee again, but hopefully, it won’t be too much longer. In the meantime, let me raid my garage cabinets for a snack or two!!  It’s like i have another kitchen out here..fridge, food, all that’s missing is a sink and stove.

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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  1. Shaq Diesel! says:

    It’s going to look amazing in there!

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