59 missles + 1 rotten orange peel = 6 dead people

So in case you were sleep last night . . . . . like I was . . . . . The wonder boy orange peel decided, that the chemical weapons attack in Syria the other day “crossed many, many lines.” (Because saying it twice makes it sound even worse)

So let’s recap first. In Syria, some town, not sure where – wasn’t watching the news that closely this morning, the President of the country, Bashar Assad has been launching attacks against the rebels in his country. (So in America this would be all the whites against the blacks just like the 60’s)

They launched a chemical attack (NBC for my military folks) that killed 86 people on Tuesday April 5, 2017. Now the orange peel dictator (who is at his magical resort as always even though he promised he’d never have time to go there b/c he’d be too busy running the country doing presidential shit), said “he <the Syrian President> launched a horrible chemical attack on innocent civilians using a deadly nerve agent. Assad <the President> choked out the lives of helpless men, women, and children. It was a slow and brutal death for so many. Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered at this very barbaric attack. No child of God should ever suffer such horror.”

So I found this little dandy thing…

Funny isn’t it??  So we shut our borders to refugees from other war torn countries, and then we get upset when they get killed because their country launches a war against them. Like did we not know that they were at war within their border walls?? I’m sure that we knew this…because we instilled our “Muslim-Ban” to keep them out.  Then we proceeded to deny visa’s for people who had been already vetted to enter the country. We just snatched their dreams and hopes away from them.  

But just some years ago…this pit stain on a white shirt got his twitter fingers in a bunch and put out there….

So he said that in order to basically “bomb the shit out of the country that was already bombing the shit out of its own citizens” the former (though in my mind he is still my damn President) would need to get Congress to sign off on the dotted line to send missiles in the air.


WELL …..
This dookie stain of a ruler orders a Navy vessel to launch multiple (69 to be exact) missiles at an airfield where the “suspected” chemical strike came from. So then the burnt crayon decided in his infant wisdom that everything that this nation has done in the past to deter Assad has failed. But he didn’t need Congressional Approval to do it, yet his predecessor does? I mean, I guess it’s okay to do it when you aren’t in the White House…you can do whatever the fuck you want right??? Like really Bitch?? Who gave you the know all??

So now, that we have launched these missiles, there are now 6 dead (probably more) in that area.

So while it’s not the “top of the morning news” (cause in DC it was more about the weather instead of this attack…who gives a flying fuck if a barely 0 damage tornado touched down). They just brushed it off like it was nothing.

And as of a few hours ago…guess who decided that now he wants to jump in on this party… the crinkled leaf’s butt-buddy, Putin!!

Yup… that guy. So this is what “Faux news reported:”

Looks like these guys are on it…especially the guy in the middle…whereas the guy on the right is having “buyer’s remorse”

Isn’t it all funny though how this went down? The FBI is investigating this chewed piece of gum and his brokeback mountain friend for fucking with the election.  So did he give him a fair warning like his “reach-arounds” and say

“Hey love, I know you are enjoying this nice tight (loosely speaking) ass, but I’m going to send a few warning shots over to Syria. You okay with that…yeah..okay, go ahead and blow your load on my back.”

I imagine that’s how the conversation went.

Pack up your shit Service Members…your great Twitterer-In-Chief .. has set some wheels in motion.

Be prepared for a lot more of this

And quite a few more of these


About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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