lions, weight, and bears … oh my

Okay so this has nothing to do with lions or bears…but it’s a 4 month update. I’ve got a draft from the summer I need to finish, but I need to also finish uploading all of the photos from this summer. I never got the time to do it, because well I was having one hell of a end of a summer stress load at work.


So…update time….

Nephew left..went home..I cleaned house. It no longer smelled like a teenage boy. Tobie was happy to get his room and bed back. I unplugged everything in the room, and it took two months for my light and water bill to go back to to normal.

Work…Finally got my rotation done. **falls to my knees and thanks crispy black jebus or whoever** Within a week, i just felt such relief about not having a supervisor breathing down my neck about what i was doing 24/7!! It’s been such a night and day difference. Where my new super is demanding…but damn she gives me FREEDOM!!

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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