Dying or Stents?? 

So I haven’t posted in a short while, I keep meaning to do so, but well life gets in the way. 

However this am I have a lot on my mind. Found out yesterday from my heart doctor that I need to have a femoral artery angioplasty done for my right leg. 

For the last 6 years, I’ve been having severe swelling of my lower extremities and never knew the cause. One of my good friends had the same thing (the swelling), and she found out when she went to get approval for gastric bypass that she has kidney problems with how they cleanse her blood. So in my head, I’m thinking maybe that’s what’s wrong with me. I’ve had my kidneys tested repeatedly, had test done for lupus, and whatever other black ailment that is out there. Finally, after mytonsillectomy, I noticed the swelling go down. I had a lot of time on my hands since I was out of work for almost 3 weeks, I did some more research. 

Found out that maybe I needed to have my veins checked. Came across something that mentioned maybe I’m not getting enough blood. I looked up lymphedema, and suddenly thought oh shit I might have cancer. I ordered compression socks, calf coverings, and pretty much everything under the sun. I still kept getting pitted edema (fluid swelling of the legs so severe you can see where the body is pressed). 

So I looked up who was a heart doctor in my area and who took my insurance and scheduled an appointment. I went in and had an EKG done that same day. Results were fine. Came back two weeks later to have an ultrasound done on my legs, and my heart. 

Sure enough my right side is much worse than the left. Doc said that the artery most likely in my stomach area near my pelvis is the problem. The results of the ultra sound showed that while the arteries in my leg are fine (from what they saw), the one in my hip doesn’t push enough blood down nor take enough out. So it ends up staying down below. Hence the swelling. So now I need this stent to open up my artery so I can get proper blood flow. 

I think my Twin is right, when I die, donate my body to science, b/c I should NOT have these types of ailments at 37 years, 10 months and 22 days of life. 

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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