A lil something from June 1

I’ve made the realization that I need to cut a lot of people from my life. Many of you I have on here as “friends” are in someway just associates that I barely speak with and merely just catch up with via your post. So over the course of the next two weeks, I’ll be downsizing. If at the middle of the month you find that we aren’t “friends” anymore, please don’t think that I don’t like you…but I’ve come to realize that the smaller my circle is, the more sane I am.

I heard a guy speak at a conference a couple months ago, he said something that has really stuck with me ever since. He said..write down everyone in your phone, on one side of their name put a star if you know they would give you a place to stay if you lost everything today. then on the other side, put a star if you would give them a place to stay if they lost everything to stay. Now re-look at your list…the only people who need to stay are those with stars by both sides of their name.

If they don’t have two stars, then they can’t be your real friend because you won’t do for them and they won’t do for you. The year is almost half over and I’ve had a lot of time to think about what people mean to me and what I mean to them. I’m not getting any younger and neither are my friends. I hate the fact that I know that in some years we will start to visit others in hospitals, having surgeries, calling ambulances, and attending funerals.

This weekend, my eyes have been opened to life and what will and won’t be there. I’m scared about it…but i also know that as long as I have the right people near…it won’t be as bad when that day comes for me.

Edited to add:
Thanks for the words everyone. Regarding who will get the two stars..that’s mostly for my phone contacts, I have almost 400 people but it only rings from about 20 people.

For here…i’m sorting how i met everyone…and what they mean to me and how much of an influence they are in my life.

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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