Do the Bois have it?

So I’ve been wondering about my selection of women lately. Now granted I like what I like. There is no doubt whatsoever. I love a good hot boi. I cannot for the life of me date a femme. I tried, it failed, now back to what I know.

While I love my bestie, SS, she is proof sometimes of why I don’t date femmes. We get along, but there are some weird quirks that I dislike about femme women. The dresses, skirts, makeup and the such. I like my bois a little rough around the edges. Throw on a pair of khakis or some jeans, a button up or polo and call me.

But what has me thinking is the type of bois I attract. They are always the young ones. Bois I can’t really do anything with besides fuck and run. My age limit is +/5/- but I’m getting these 20-25 yr old bois. Like what am I supposed to do with you at that age? Besides fuck. We barely have things in common. I’m working on my long term goals, you are barely getting out of college. I’m thinking of my health, you are looking to get wasted at some point.

Ugh it’s frustrating. Maybe I should become asexual?

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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