what would you do?? — i need all PARENTS to read this

if you were the parent of any of these kids
Now I got this screen shot off another site, that i won’t mention … but this girl claims to be oh so super smart and intelligent .. but to me this is the actions of a bully. 
what if one of those kids had actually fell?  they could have cracked open their head on the floor, on the wheel of another skater, could have had any kind of blood injury and went home thinking i feel fine, then next morning.. bam.. dead
me personally if i had been any one of their parents, or even any parent or just a bystander, i would have jacked her punk a*s up and put my foot in it. 
any of those kids could have had any kind of condition that made them sensitive to small blows, no matter how light or hard they are. 
a child’s skull is quite delicate
uugghhh this has me heated right now, because all i can think of is what if that had been one of my nieces, or my nephews, or just a kid that i was close too????  i mean i don’t want any kids myself, but seriously.. she woulda caught a serious blow to the throat for that one. 
In case you can’t read it… here is the post:
Okay well maybe not MIGHT – I am. 
I know I’m mean. But I might be TOO mean sometimes. Case and point, I went to my little cousin’s birthday party with my older cousin and his boyfriend. It was at a skating ranch >.> filled with little preteens and young teens humping each other to “No Hands”. Of course, I wasted $8 to get in and the little bitc…*ahem* angels weren’t skating <. just="" flirting="" with="" the="" little="" boys="" in="" their="" tight="" ass="" jeans="" being="" fast="" selves.="" after="" my="" cousin="" busted="" his="" trying="" to="" show="" off="" skating="" knocking="" out="" three="" screaming="" white="" girls="" like="" bowling="" pins="" process="" i="" decided="" get="" floor="" myself="" before="" someone="" ran="" over="" me.="" anyways="" went="" and="" sat="" on="" divider="" between="" skate="" door="" older="" boyfriend.="" it="" hit="" me="" then="" how="" people="" paid="" attention.="" everybody="" was="" bumping="" into="" each="" other="" without="" notice="" walking="" about="" business.="" figured="" be="" fun="" swing="" feet="" real="" far="" discreetly="" kick="" kids="" as="" they="" passed="" by.="" kicked="" first="" girl="" her="" leg="" boyfriend="" asked="" if="" her.="" said="" yeah="" of="" course.="" next="" boy="" arm="" he="" join="" so="" eight="" later="" points="" this="" who="" pass="" but="" kicking="" range="" :-="" going="" miss="" him.="" couldn="" have="" that="" leapt="" head.="" held="" back="" a="" wouldn="" knock="" him="" down="" did="" satisfying="" head="" bobble.="" while="" laughing="" actually="" left="" few="" from="" wall="" in.="" granted="" iit="" wasn="" discreet="" kicks="" whatever.="" point="">.> I might be just a bit too mean sometimes.

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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