2011 will you be here?? … Holiday Don’ts

So the holiday season is in full swing. i’ve become the grinch and personally i don’t give two sh&t’s about it. i don’t celebrate the holidays for any reason. i haven’t had a reason to be happy during this time of year in a long time, and quite frankly wish i could just skip these last two months of the year. 
i work in retail (currently) and this time of year, people get pissy for no f’in reason. take today for instance .. lady comes in to purchase some J’s for a grade school age child. now, these are J’s we are talking about. everyone knows they cost about 100. any how she got upset cause her kid (who has to have the latest) wears a size 3.5 … well any parent knows after size 3, you go into grade school prices. the shoes are on sale currently at $99.99, with tax makes them $105.99, regular price $110.00 — i’m sure ya’ll get the hint. Now i’ve been working my a*s off and at the time, was helping 4 people to include her. So this b***h (yes i called her that), takes this shoe and slams it on the bench, i’ll take that one she shouts, can’t believe this *bleep* shoes is 99 dollars. Now i’m handing something to another person as she does this, then i turn and look at her like B***H HAVE YOU LOST YOUR EVER F’IN LOVING MIND???  she gets an attitude at me..umm you was the one slamming a shoe. so i roll my eye at her, turn on my heels and walk off. Get the shoe, then retreive the mate off the wall, now she’s really pissed cause i’m not laughing … again B***H you slammed a shoe in my face!!! She goes … Oh that was supposed to be funny, a joke, a ha ha … why are you the only one that has to act like a snob in this place … ummm i’m not a snob, and i’m sure no one would have found that stupid stunt funny … why are you worried about it, you should loosen up, its my money that i’m spending … yeah your money and at the point i could have cared less if she took her money and went some where else. I really dislike douchebag shoppers. If she don’t come back… i really don’t care.
Now back to the two points of this note. 
Point 1. 
2011 is coming. I’m grateful. It means I can weed out a lot of people from 2010 that have been nothing but a burden to me. A lot of people who really didn’t give or care about me. People who showed their lack of interest in renewing our friendship (of course unless it benefits them in some way or another).  So I started this summer, i cut out a gang of people from my life.I felt so relieved. I deleted them from here (some removed me theirselves), from other sites, removed their numbers from my phone, got rid of anything that reminded me of them. I felt so much better. As the year dragged on, I started to look at some of the remaining “friends” i had left. At the associates i had gained and i’ve come to the conclusion that when 2011 starts … a lot .. and I mean A LOT of you will not be there for me. When i was at my worst this year, none of you were to be found. But the minute you needed something you popped right back up. Well no more. I’ve sent out messages to those whom I have a close bond with, and whom I’d like to have in my 2011, but if they feel like they don’t want to be there, please let me know now before the year ends. I’d like to have a fresh start and if you dont’ wanna be there for the new me…then you can leave with the old me.
in 2011, I am making a brand new start. My first goal to accomplish is getting a full time job. It will happen in the month of Jan. If not now. In Feb, I will have my sinus surgery. I will be able to breathe like normal people. In Mar, with my full time job, benefits, etc .. i will be purchasing a house somewhere. In Apr. I will be throwing a house warming party for my friends that have carried over into 2011. The rest of the year will be a blur, because eventually I will meet someone who will steal my heart of coal that has a top secret lock on it, but they will slowly break away the code. But i won’t hold my luck for that one. In two days i will have completed 2 years of being single, what’s another year.
So you can either be with me in 2011, or you can be behind me. Your choice. 
Point 2. 
So with X-Mas coming up this weekend here are a list of my top 5 DON’T list.  I work friday from 7-3. As of 3:15, my phone will be going off until Monday morning. So when I start it back up monday, i don’t want to see jack. so please respect my wishes
1. Do not send me a text saying any of the following… merry christmas, merry xmas, happy holidays, etc etc … i hate the friggin holidays and will either respond with a resounding bah humbug, or some other few choice words.  (you have been warned)
2. don’t call me to say any of the above mentioned words…again.. i hate the holidays.
3. don’t call me after the fact and say..why didn’t you come to my house and eat … if we haven’t had a face to face conversation in the last 6 months that has lasted more than 30 mins … then i’m not really gonna accept the last minute text/notes/messages/email .. etc cause umm yeah i’m sorry but i really don’t think it was sincere — so why am i going to waste my time.
4. don’t send me a message a few days after the new year asking where your gift/card is.  lets make this clear… i graduated college this year (actual date was august 10th), i walked in may, my bday was aug 6 … i’m still waiting on some cards/gifts that i was promised (well not really cause its been almost 6-7 months and if i really thought i’d be getting something i’d be dead holding my breath).  I sent out over 50 invitations to my graduation, so don’t act like you didn’t have my address.
5. don’t drop by my house and pretend like we’ve been buddy buddy for the year 2010.  if i only see you during certain parts of the month, or every other 3 months … we really aren’t buddy buddy are we????

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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