The word hate is not strong enough …

IMG_0910 IMG_0909 IMG_0908 IMG_0907 IMG_0906I hate the be the bearer of bad news, but i have an announcement to make …I truly effing hate my ex. Like for real for real…like really fu*king hate her. I want a bus to hit her, then a few semi’s to run her over, i want her to be unviewable at her death, i don’t want her family to be able to recognize her. That’s how much I hate her.

Now let me tell you all why…. As some of you know, I am in the process of renovating my home. The moment I moved back in, something just wasn’t right in the air quality of my house. I’ve changed filters, I bought a new vacuum, I dust, I got rid of the furniture I had and got new stuff. I did a LOT of throwing things away.

I recently took her to court, I knew the carpets had to be ripped out, but I didn’t know that they were as bad as they are. I saw stains, chalked it up to the bad ass kids she had in my house spilling stuff. B/c in her words…her two dogs (that i never wanted in my house to begin with) were potty trained. Well let’s not forget about the third dog…a puppy…that she brought in here without consulting me, wasn’t. Well … neither were her dogs.

I started about two weeks ago. I finally found the color floors I wanted for my whole house. I began in the living room, as that is where I spend the most of my time when I’m home (besides my office when I’m working), cause it’s my comfort spot. Plus my couches are hella awesome!! So I have posted some photos in my “home renovation” album. But today I finished the living room, and started pulling up the carpet in the hallway.

Of these attached photos….please tell me what part of dogs being potty trained will do this?? Bad enough all the dirt that is trapped in the carpet and padding, that has to be swept up afterwards, and the glue from the padding I have to scrape as I go along, and the wood fasteners that used to hold the carpet down are now rotted out from all the dog pee, so they are just flying up and crumbling when I pull them out.

I think this was my lesson that I shall NEVER NEVER NEVER live with anyone. Yes, as a permanent situation, I will struggle until I’m homeless, but I will never live with anyone ever again.

I made this post public so that she could see it (if anyone feels the need to share it with her, i really don’t give a damn. It’s also going to be posted on my blog, with a time line of all the photos from start to finish…as i’ve taken pictures of each piece of carpet i’ve ripped up)

Let my mistake be your warning. Check out the people you date before you move them in, and the validity of what they say. Otherwise it might cost you more than what this is costing me.


About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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