Let the cleansing begin

Welp today is August 21, later on tonight I’ll be making a trek back to NC to cleanse my home. Two weekends ago I had to tell my ex of 3.5 months that she had to move out. I tried to make a home for us both. I allowed her to move in after a short while of dating and in the end I believe that was our ultimate downfall. We moved too damn fast. While I was in love with her, gradually I fell out of love. Things I used to love about her begin to irk me to no end.

If you read the post “Lies, Lies and more Lies” then you know a portion of the story, but I will reserve the whole story for another post. See she has been telling a story…not the whole story but a story. Folks have come to me asking what the deal b/c her story has holes in it and doesn’t make sense. All I reply is, just ask her to tell you the truth and if she does and you’re still confused, well talk next time I’m in town.

So here is it two weeks later and I have changed the locks in my house, reset the alarm codes and the garage door openers. I have a company coming out to clean my backyard. Something she had said she was going to do months ago, but never got around to doing. I tended to get a lot more promises and never any action. So I have to get this done. The dogs squeezed their way through a portion of the fence. So I have to get that replaced/fixed. There is another spot of the fence that is leaning from either the wind storms or from the dogs trying to get to the children next door. But it has to be fixed. I’m going to attempt to get the wood to fix the floor in my storage shed. It is a must right now. So I have to drag everything out and shake it. Then I have to hope and pray I can fix it. But I’ll have to find a way to get the trailer down to lowes to get the wood I need. Once I put this thing together it won’t be moved. I’m thinking some 4×4 or 6×6 pieces along the bottom that have been nailed together and then a piece of ultra durable plywood or something on the top for an actual floor. There should not be anything allowed to grow under this thing. Probably should have done it a long time ago but hey I was in a rush to put it together.

Now I have to go in and cleanse my house of everything I don’t need. I have to get my couch out and by the curb. I can’t keep it. It’s full of stains and pretty much everything I can imagine. It’s torn in places it shouldn’t be. The springs have been shot, so it doesn’t sit like it used to. What will I do?? I have no idea, but I will find something somewhere. Gonna have a lot of stuff on craigslist. Gotta get rid of it. I can’t keep certain stuff. My garage is going to be the hardest part to clean out. I want it to be organized but well we know what happens. It may never be truly organized until I actually move back in.

Which I hope will be in the next couple of months. I have put in to get a transfer to Bragg to work for the Army. I’ve been in touch with the HR folks and they are looking at my resume and qualifications. Either way hopefully I’ll know something by Mid-October b/c I don’t know how long I’ll be able to swing the bills in both places before I’m broke. Clutching to pennies and everything else I can find. Selling my possessions to keep my head above water. But I will say this, if I move back I will not be selling my bike. I’ll keep it since it’s paid off. I’ll ride it to work when I can and save on gas and mileage on the car. But I also have to go to SC and pay my taxes on it. As I never did that this year thinking I was going to sell it. But I’ll get it together.

So my weekend plans are to get the yard fixed up. Get the cameras installed in the crib and possibly on the outside. Get the fence fixed, clean the kitchen and purge a lot of stuff I don’t need. Trash the couch, but I’ll save the cushions. I can always re-upholster them. It’ll give me something to lay on. I have to get rid of my mattress. And eventually find something new. I have another mattress in my guest room that has to be trashed b/c a 5 year old decided to piss all over it. Can’t keep that going forward. I also have the replace the ceiling fan/light fixture in the guest room b/c that same 5 year old damaged it as well and yanked the light fixture out. Fan works but the light is ruined.

Notice how I’m talking about all this work and not once did I say I was going to make my ex pay for any of it. Hell she has enough of her own issues. Plus she can’t afford it. The mother of the 5 year old who did the damage in my guest room….well she isn’t going to pay for the damage her kid did. Hell she has known about it for months and hasn’t made the offer yet to fix it, so like life I have to chuck it up to a lesson learned and move on.

Well it’s almost 6 am, I have another 30 mins before I get to work. So I’m going to attempt to sleep. I got a busy two days ahead of me.

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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