Bathrooms done … 1 room down

So i made the journey to my home. not just my apt…but my house. it was a long sleepy ride. i got majority of the way here and had to pull over at a rest stop because i felt myself getting sleepy while driving. so i caught a quick 45 min nap.

when i woke i felt so refreshed. so ready to tackle the world ya dig!!!!

got to my house…and went to my backyard. its been two weeks. the people who were to come get this ratchet monstrosity of a doghouse did not. so i felt like having some self therapy. i think i needed it. i had to reschedule my appt this week due to all the time i took off with my tooth. so i grabbed my sledge hammer and demolished it. as i watched hours of work slowly break apart into pieces and holes be ripped through the wood and roof, i felt at ease. i know my neighbors were thinking who the fuck is banging at 7 am on a friday, but i didnt care. i needed to get rid of it. i’ll admit i did try to drag it to the corner, but i did such a good job that dragging wasn’t working. in my 20 minutes of trying, i had only moved it two feet. my house sits on a quarter acre. so yeah….that wasn’t happening. i had other things to accomplish.

doghouse done…i moved onto what was left of my trailer. i looked at all the trash piled on top and sorted through it. what did i need to keep. then i realized NOTHING. it was all garage. she ruined my pop-up 10×10 tent. so that wasn’t worth saving. i looked around my yard, there was at least 20 trash bags. they were obvious it was meant to be used to pick up leaves, but that never happened. so i grabbed one of my own and gathered them all. then i put that out on the curb. i went looking at everything else. nothing mattered. my shovels…covered in the cement from the wanna-be patio she tried to create. ruining the value of my property im sure that i’ll find out come next year when the appraiser comes around. my rakes covered in cement. trash and more trash. buckets of crap, covered in cement. is there anything not covered in cement?? finally i gave up, dragged one trash can to the curb, the other in the garage. it was only 0830.

time to move the party indoors. first thing first…couches…i ripped off the cushions. i have plenty of blankets to cover them with until i get new ones. the bottoms, i dragged out to the curb. i’m sure i’ll feel it in the am. then i proceeded to get boxes together and start packing my books. i’m sure i’ll need them soon, but not right now. so why have them out. they are fine in boxes. soon i’ll get my storage shed rigged up right and i’ll take them out there for storage. not my e lynn books though…those stay in the house at all times. measurements for how i’m going to organize the house. changing around rooms, moving bookcases. the whole nine.

by now its close to 10. i hear movement outside. the yard crew has arrived. i go out and talk with them and explain what i need done. they say okay, i head back in and next thing i know, i hear the sweet sound of a zero degree turn mower and edger. ahhhh my backyard looks like a backyard again…minus the crop circles that she thought would be a good idea to burn leaves instead of doing the simple work of bagging them. i mean it would have been the least she could have done. after all i was the only one working and going to school full time. she was home all day long….doing nothing. anyway…they rang the door. and were done. i went outside…all the trees were gone. the stumps gone, the grass is at an acceptable even level. and they are going to come back every three weeks for a cheap low rate price. so it means i can lock up my house and garage. cause most assuredly i came home and found missing power tools. honestly what the fuck she is going to do with a miter saw, i have no idea, but potentially cut her damn hand off. i mean she doesn’t even know how to use it. but i digress its whatever. i’ll just go buy a new one. and build better quality shelves so i can get rid of my toolboxes.

then i went back in. i hadn’t eaten all day and found a bottle of water and devoured it. there’s no food here, and i don’t want to buy any knowing i’m not going to be back for a while. no point in it going bad. but i had yet one more appt today. adt and the cameras. well i had to piss like a racehorse…but when i entered my guest bathroom….i was taken back by the filth. i buckled down and started spraying those lovely scrubbing bubbles to start the job. i moved to the master bath…just as bad if not worse. one of my biggest pet peeves is hair in the sink, tub, shower, anywhere. if you got it and you shed pick it up. my shower had hair all down the back wall. the tub had hair and colorful whoknows everywhere, the guest bath had hair everywhere. i found the rags i had just bought for cleaning and went to work on the guest bath first. took me 45 mins of scrubbing, rinsing, drying and repeat, but its done. i attacked the toilet and finally i could go. i finished just as adt pulled up. i’m thinking about food, cause im starving. i hadn’t eaten since lunch the day’s been well over 24 hours now. he comes in and does what he has to do. I get to work on the guest room. uncovering things, i find a mattress cover that had been on the bed. i pull it out and find it soaked in urine. i pull out the mattress which is folded up and that as well has urine.. i look at the mattress on the bed still and notice the opposite cover is on the bottom, when it should be on the top. i pull it off and flip it……more urine. 3 more items for the trash next week. i’m worried about the mattress but after further inspection its clean…thank goodness. but i’ll probably buy a new one just to be sure. in just over 7 months, i now to have basically refurnish my entire 3 bedroom house. my guest bed mattresses, my master mattress, my couches, my tables, my shelves, my flooring option, my kitchen floor, my desk in my office, every comforter i own has now been trashed. …. and im sure there is more that i haven’t uncovered just yet. im slowly cleaning room by room. scared of what i may find next. but the guest room is done. just gotta get the shelves out. but that will be reserved for next time i do a massive wipe.


for now…its after midnight. my wisdom tooth hole is painful. my pills haven’t kicked in yet. so its bed time. back to va soon enough…

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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