Coulda Shoulda Woulda

Friends come a dime a dozen. Associates come by the bushels. My cat is one in a million!! 
I’ve tried to make new associates, who could maybe turn into a friend. But then it all goes downhill. 
I believe that potential friendships are a two way street. In order for a friendship to flourish you gotta spend time with one another or at least want to. Especially if you’re close enough to do so. Hell, I wish all 5 of my best friends lived close enough to hang out. One of them does, and we see each other at least once a week. The others live in sc so I see them when I travel or they come to see me. One is in Cali, so that takes plans and planes. But we’ve made it a point to see each other at least once a year. If not once every two years. One of the sc friends is coming to spend a whole week with me for my surgery. 
That’s what friends do. Even some associates hang out. Went to the gym with one the other day, saw another one while we were there. 
It takes a lot for me to be a friend to someone. I get bored easy. I have no issues shutting down things that I know won’t last. 
This one coulda made it. *shrug*

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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