
Since when has seeking to find acquaintances online been a bad thing? I mean not everyone is looking to jump right in the sack with someone. Hell even so, I would hope that you’d want to get to know someone a little bit before you do, and not go 1-100 on dating. That could turn out to be a massive disaster waiting to happen. But nope, in the lesbian world, they do nothing slow of the sort. They go 0-60 in dating/relationships/marriage/children you name it!!! The same is true for their level of education directly to the trashcan.

You see, women in general are smart. But you throw in loving another woman and they just grow dumb as rocks. They instantly want to get hitched to the mew person they just met a week ago, then they want to have babies with them, all within a month of meeting. Then there are the ones who actually go out and do this level of stupidity.

The ones who can’t read to save their lives. No matter how many times you say, “I’m not into this or that” it’s always “this or that” which seems to be what approaches you. For instance…I know I’m not attracted to smokers of any kind, or women with children. Yet all that ever does approach me is women who smoke, or women with kids or women who want kids. It’s like they think they have some magic trick that will make me change my mind.

Nope. Not gonna happen. I’m steadfast in my rules. I don’t like smokers and I don’t like kids. Nothing is ever gonna change that. I have only agreed to the compromise on kids for one person ever. And they are the only exception. And well since they have basically told me that they see zero chance of a future with them and me, I guess I have nothing to worry about in that department huh? Fuck kids.

But seriously though, women turn gay and just get dumb as fuck. Like why would you intentionally try to pursue someone who says they don’t like kids knowing you got three of them??? In what world does that make sense?? Make it right? Really?? Ugh 😑

But it’s wrong these days it seems to get into these online groups and look for associates b/c it’s a punishable offense. They don’t want you looking for associates or speaking your mind, or going against the grain, or having thoughts of your own. Just basically be some horn dog ass teenager/twenty something who is only out to get laid with the same mindset as every other dumb ass in there and have a one track mind.

Can’t have your own brain or think your own thoughts b/c it would mean you’re too smart for everyone.

I hate social media sometimes. It’s a cesspool of creatures.

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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