Why must everything boil down

Why must everything boil down to sex with the lesbians of today?  You ask a simple question and it all has to …. at some point … revert back to sex.


I could ask a girl…why do you think the sky is blue and the clouds are white?  She might answer with some emoji, then be like…well is your bed white, I bet i can make you see blue after you cum.

Yeah…lemme give her the side eye real quick. Bitch please.
So I’m a member of numerous groups on FB. Some are supposed to be for mature minded adults, but they are asking questions that a prepubescent teenage boy would ask. Or some of the baby dykes of today.

If you are a stud, why would you date another stud?
That kinda shit is gay

I’m a femme, and i would never date a femme

Would you strap a MTF tranny (yes I despise that effing word)

My question back to them is….WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER?

If your bedroom was being taken care of in the right way…then you shouldn’t have time to worry about how anyone else gets down, right? So that means you aren’t getting it right, right? Well that’s how the thought process goes in my mind.

Or maybe its because I’m grown and I know how to mind my own business that I don’t give two flying fucking squirrels about what other people do. Perhaps because in my mind, until you are on my educational level, your opinion means jack shit to me. So you in a couple words…DON’T MATTER. Your opinion is invalid against mine.


Don’t get me wrong, I keep an open mind, but what I’m learning as I get older…is that in order to survive in this world you have to keep an open mind. You have to be accepting of everything and judge not.

Am I judging these dumb ass people…right now..yes. Because they are being stupid. Personally, who the fuck cares if a lesbian wants to strap up and bang a trans-woman. Not my circus, not my monkey. I’m chilling in my house, doing me, enjoying life.





I got a feeling, I’ll be booted from a few groups for speaking my mind. Won’t be the first time, and i’m sure it won’t be the last time.

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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