The day after hell opened up

So after hell decided to open up last night in my throat, i tried to sleep. It wasn’t pretty. I was up til like 2 am with ice packs glued to my throat in hopes that the cold would penetrate my skin and then my throat. It didn’t work. All i managed to do was get a slight freezer burn on my neck. I mean i already have enough scars in my mouth, and now this…ugh.

updated now that it’s almost 11 pm i’m in bed now.  I went to see my doctor, but he’s off on thursday’s. so i saw the PA instead.  I needed to know why my mouth felt like it was on fire. Forget that i had skin burned off a week ago, but even water burns going down. nothing in it…just water..and it burns. So turns out, i have oral thrush. This is typical of tonsillectomies in adults. I’m glad i went when i did. not sure i would have made it through the weekend. But i see my surgeon again on monday for my follow up. but outside of the thrush, she said things looked decent. no bleeding for me, just need these scabs to fall off and go somewhere. i want some crispy chicken, or even a great juicy steak. 

i’m contemplating a bbq once i can eat. i need to get rid of all these ice pops. yeah, a big ass bbq and ice cream for everyone … on me!! but back to this thrush…my whole mouth is white as fuck. the roof of it, the sides, my tongue..everything. i’m drooling. like crazy.

So while i was at the doctor’s office, i get a notice on my phone that someone is at my front door. I upgraded my doorbell to the ring video camera system and it alerts me to motion and when people ring my doorbell. My first thought…i haven’t ordered anything, so why would the mail lady be at my door. I check my camera…it’s my boss. no ma’am…i don’t like you like that.  (side note now that i watch the video…it sounds like she brought someone to my house that i NEVER EVER want to know where i live. If that fucker ever shows up, i’m putting a bullet between his eyes for trespassing).

  1. don’t show up to my house unannounced and uninvited. Like ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever in your life!!
  2. call first before making the trek over…not while you are sitting in my driveway.
  3. if one of my cars aren’t there…i’m most likely NOT home.
  4. if we aren’t friends…don’t come to my house PERIOD.
  5. just bc you know where i live…doesn’t give you the right to come over.
  6. don’t catch an attitude bc i tell you i can see you and to leave whatever on the porch.
  7. if i was home…that’s why i got the system. no need to get up and check the peephole. i can ignore you from my couch.
  8. there are very FEW people who are allowed to just pop up…twin, my god folks, tobie’ daddy, his other momma, my sister, and my line sister. if you don’t fit one of those people…don’t pop your ass up at my house.
  9. if you do pop your ass up, don’t expect to get a warm greeting. you can most assuredly be guaranteed, i will cuss your ass out and you will never want to come over again.
  10. even if i give you permission to just pop up….you better damn call first. i live alone…i typically like to walk around naked. i’m not putting on clothes just bc you brought your ass over.  and if so…you better call first, unless you want this ass in your face.

so needless to say…they (my team) got together and made me a gift basket. nice thought..but most of it..i’m sure i’ll never touch.



  1. i don’t eat peaches…like ever..the smell makes me gag
  2. i have puzzle books on my ipad. that’s why i bought it…well more than that, but i’m partial to electronic puzzles
  3. i stopped coloring unless it was an app. i just gave my sister all my color stuff to give to my 12 yo niece. guess she’s about to get another box…happy belated birthday!!
  4. i can’t eat citrus,  it burns and has a high acid count.
  5. i can’t eat solid foods…so gummy bears are out of the question..i can barely chew gum.
  6. the cat toys were a nice gesture…but tobie wont play with them. he’s an asshole…cat toys are a waste of money on him.

don’t get me wrong…good idea…very bad execution. i’m sure she (my boss) was the one who bought everything. it had her trademark all over it. but perhaps..ask a few folks who have known me longer than the time i’ve been working in the office. they woulda told you i hate peaches. perhaps do a little research..oh wait..i didn’t say what was being done, bc it’s no ones business.

i know i’m sounding like a total asshole…but this is why i bought my house so far from the city, so people don’t just pop up. this is why i don’t really hang out with folks from work. i’m very anti-social at work…and don’t want to be reminded of it when i’m at home. i’m very peculiar about who i let in my circle. like very very very peculiar.

But i did get some good news…

Tobie now has a super big bag full of the treats i caught him scrounging on my living room table to get. I stopped by the shelter and grabbed a shitton of sample bags. Soon as he saw what they were…he tried to dig inside the bag for them.

now i have to lock them up at night. SMH…i’m grateful he likes something new…but damn dude really??

Oh well…lemme take my ass to sleep

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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One Response to The day after hell opened up

  1. Anonymous says:

    I feel so bad for you.

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