Army Wives … done and done

I don’t know who watches this show…but I do!!

Possibly because soon I am to be an Army Wife…but mostly because I am an Army Veteran.  When the show first started back in (20XX) cause personally I don’t remember. The show started with like 5 families (the Holdens, the Sherwoods, the LeBlancs, the Morans, and the Burtons)

So here’s a brief background on these families…

The Holden’s

Michael, Claudia Joy, Emmilin (sp), and Amanda.  Well after season 1, Amanda died in a suicide bomber who was pissed his wife was cheating on him, so he blew up the Hump. In season 2, Emmilin is replaced with a new actress, and then in season 3 she is off to college. In the beginning of season 7, Claudia Joy is killed off from complications due to her diabetes.

The Sherwood’s

Denise, Frank and Jeremy (later they added Molly). Well jeremy got killed off in season 4 (i think) after he randomly joined the army to piss off his father, then got sent to afgahnistan. We were kinda pissed but a bit happy he was gone. He was the boyfriend of Amanda first, then moved onto her sister.

The LeBlanc’s

Roxie, Trevor, TJ and Finn…well a great family…Roxie married Trevor after meeting him in a bar after 3 days. Yes 3 days and she gets benefits. Roxie is new to Army life and a wild one. She gets a job in the bar right off post, becomes friends with Betty (the owner), then when Betty gets cancer and dies she leaves the bar to Roxie who renames its Betty’s (but it is eventually renamed its original name The Hump). Well in season 5 they leave after Trevor mysteriously leaves and runs off to OCS (Officer Candidate School) and becomes an officer. I was like…wtf. But he gets stationed in WA and they make appearances every now and then.

The Moran’s

Pamela, Chase, and two kids…I can never remember their names cause they were that big a deal (although the story line is that all of them met when Pamela went into labor with the surrogates she was carrying. Well Chase was special forces, left his wife they got divorced, then remarried, then he realized how much his family meant to him and he got out, and went to work for a contracted company and now makes serious money. They left after season 4 I think.

The Burton’s

Joan, Roland, then they got knocked up with Sara Elizabeth, then adopted David an HIV positive child. Joan is every man’s dream…army career chick who will give her all for her country. Well they went through ups and downs…two deployments and then in season 7, Roland threatens her with divorce if she continues onto the war college. So she puts in her packet to retire … they are now gone from the show.

I think I covered all 5 families…and I know what you are thinking…WELL WHO THE HELL IS LEFT???

Well the Sherwood’s and Gen Holden. They introduced a few new characters…most of whom are unimportant to me. Only ones I like are Cruz and his now ex-wife Gloria. (again another one of those meet you on Fri, marry me Monday…become Army wife get benefits and move with me).

So now I’m pissed. They have Ashanti on the show, along with a few other families (The Halls, The Montclairs, The Trumans, The Clarkes, The Youngs) Yeah…the show isn’t what it used to be.

Now that Season 7 is over, I’m not sure I’ll watch season 8 (if there is one).  I mean these new families…yeah..not feeling them. They basically killed off most of the families we have grown to love.  So the show sucks..I’m sick of it. I’m pissed off.

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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