Lift leg and piss here…

Many of you know that I’ve been in the process of renovating my home since January. I wanted to get everything completed first before I started installing the floors. Yes, I’ve done pretty much all the work myself with the exception of the concrete work in the backyard, I wasn’t going to touch that. I like to think I’m pretty darn handy around the house, which I believe is great wife material (but that’s a long way off or will never happen).

Anyhow, I got fed up of looking at my carpet with all the stains that I didn’t put in it. I also am tired of watching my baby scratch his fur off from some unknown parasite that’s living in my carpet and no matter how many times I vacuum or clean or spray or put down powder, he finds new ways to reopen wounds I have forced to heal via the cone of shame (and more recently claw covers on his back paws).

So I started last week. I purchased my first 4 boxes of laminate flooring. I gave it the prerequisite couple of days to get acclimated to the household temp, purchased my miter saw last night and got to work. I’m going slow, as not to alert my trash guy of all the extra bags being put on the curb (and them telling me they won’t haul off the crusty carpet), it’s a few boxes per payday, section by section.

I began by ripping up the corner of the living room. It now looks like a tornado ran through it (especially with my large lounge chair in the dining room), and didn’t apologize and I’m getting no help from fema. Once I got the carpet cut, I grabbed the inside edge and pulled. Everything came up in one piece and I stared at the padding on top of the concrete slab that is now exposed. I got down on my hands and knees and begin to rip at the padding and begin to pull it back and toss it in the garbage bag placed conveniently next to my jacked up leg. I paused long enough to watch Tobie sniff at all the now empty boxes of flooring and at my toes. He quickly left the scene of the crime and revert back to his home under the couch.

As I turned to watch him scurry away, something caught my eye. The corner piece of carpet. A small piece of it had flipped over and was stained brown on the bottom side. Being the easily distracted person I am, I forgot all about this dreaded glued down padding and grabbed that carpet with all my might and flipped it. There before me was evidence I tricked myself into beliving really it’s not there, but there it was over 50% of this 2×2 foot price of carpet was stained with dog urine.

How do I know it was dog urine?? Well Tobie has been litterbox trained since I brought him home from the shelter 6 years ago. He has never urinated on my floor, maybe hit the top of his litterbox but never out. He’s very peculiar about where he goes in his litterbox and his pee pads prove it. So unless there was some human urine (I’m not testing it b/c that’s just gross) im sure whatever it is, is from the three dogs that were living in house, though it was supposed to be 0 dog.

Now my nights will be filled with pee masks gloves and no sleep.


See photo evidence below:


The Corner of my living room


Up close and personal with the back door piss

Up close and personal with the back door piss

Another shot of the corner piece

Another shot of the corner piece

From in front of the fireplace

From in front of the fireplace

Backdoor piss

Backdoor piss

Even closer shot of the backdoor piss

Even closer shot of the backdoor piss

Like really close to the backdoor piss spots

Like really close to the backdoor piss spots

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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