
So today has been officially two months since our first date. 

I’ll say though..when she first walked up the stairs of the coffee house, I had only intended to make a new friend, to have someone to hang out with here in the city while I finished up my college degree then I would bounce and leave forever. Maybe keeping her number and going along with the friendship. 

But the conversation was so awesome that night, that we kept talking until the place closed down and they kicked us out. But then her roommate didn’t come pick her up afterwards (b/c the b**** was drunk), so I took her home. The next weekend we saw each other again for a tour of the city she had lived in for almost 3 months and still hadn’t really seen. 

Since then we’ve been on numerous dates, had a fabulous V-day dates (yes..we did many dates in one night), and its gotten to the point, I can barely sleep in my bed without her. 

The thought of rolling over at night and not having her arm drape across my waist and pull me closer, or knowing that when I turn she instinctively turns with me. It’s crazy…..though we haven’t made it official (and really have no plans on putting a title on what we have) its nice to have someone whose face lights up like the sun when she sees me.

This has been a long time coming

About blutruth

A random sarcastic a-hole. But still fun loving and wonderful. I have my moments where I spaz out, but who doesn't. This is a general fall spot for my late night ramblings about life in general.
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